Platinum Membership


This is a weekly subscription.

High Performance Baseball Platinum Membership is only open to a select number of players each year. Representative level players from  Intermediate League and above can apply to be part of this elite training group. Platinum Members will have access to:

  • 2 x 2 hour training session each week (All led by our Head Coach)
  • Video analysis and feedback
  • Gameplay feedback and analysis – yes our coaches will watch some of your games
  • 1 x 30 minute one-on-one session with the Head Coach each month
  • Assistance managing your training and game schedule to ensure balance and prevent injury
  • Discount opportunities with our partner companies
  • HPB Training Shirt and Cap (deliverable after your first month of membership)
  • HPB Travel Ball Team opportunities


  • Quality coaching aimed specifically towards your goals
  • Flexibility to work on what you want to work on
  • Flexibility to attend when it suits your schedule from week to week
  • Come late or leave early if you need to adjust around school or other commitments
  • Push ‘pause’ if you need a break, are injured or are away

 Training Schedule:

Junior & Senior Leagues Age Players
Thursday – JL 5-7PM, SL 6-8PM
Saturday – JL 7:30am-9:30am, SL 10:15am-12:15am
Start Date: Thursday 12 September and Saturday 14 September
On weeks when club baseball is on.

SKU: HPB5 Category: